Instinctual Trauma Response® (ITR)

A Trauma Recovery Method Used by Many Art Therapists
Thu, 12 September, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm

“No one should have to live with even minimal trauma symptoms. It’s easy to treat, and it doesn’t take years to do it."

                                                                                                                                              -Dr. Louis Tinnin, Co-Founder of ITR®

When addressing acute or complex trauma, ITR offers a gentle, noninvasive approach grounded in evidence-based practices. ITR’s drawing and writing techniques are both simple and effective, helping to externalize distressing memories by transferring them from the mind onto paper or into the ITR web app. These techniques provide immediate relief and offer multiple benefits, including grounding, uncovering dissociated memories, and stimulating dynamic bilateral brain activity. This approach is designed to be accessible and adaptable, making it a valuable tool for diverse practitioners committed to supporting trauma recovery.

Introduction to ITR Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- give at least 2 examples of grounding.
- describe how to create a Safe Place
- name the Instinctual Trauma Response components
- give a simple explanation of how trauma works in the brain
- name 2 examples of True Self attributes
- name 2 examples of hurt, stuck, or left behind Parts

Participants should have:
-8 ½ x 11 paper
-colored markers

Linda Gant, PhD., ATR-BC Co-Founder of ITR® and FEATS
Dr. Linda Gantt has had a distinguished 45-year career in art therapy. She is well known among art therapists having served as President of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), editor of the first issue of the association’s journal, and chair of the National Coalition of Art Therapies Associations. She has been awarded the Honorary Life Member citation, which is the highest accolade in art therapy. Dr. Gantt has a Masters Degree in Art Therapy from The George Washington University and a doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Gantt has taught in a number of graduate art
therapy programs including the George Washington University, Vermont College, Notre Dame de Namur, and Florida State University. Her Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS), developed with Carmello Tabone, is used nationally and internationally Dr. Gantt developed Instinctual Trauma Response® (ITR) together with her late husband, psychiatrist Dr. Louis Tinnin.

Danni Davis, MSW, LCSW-C, CCSOTS, ITR-Traumatologist
Danni Davis serves as the Training Director at the ITR Training Institute. With certifications in EMDR, ITR, and as a Clinically Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist, Danni brings over 30 years of clinical expertise to the table. Danni's clientele spans across children, adolescents, adults (including numerous first responders), and couples. Having witnessed the transformative power of support and effective treatment methods throughout her career, Danni specializes in addressing trauma-related disorders. She firmly believes in the efficacy of Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR), viewing it as a revolutionary tool in the mental health field capable of rapidly alleviating symptoms and fostering long-term healing and well-being.

Juliet King, PhD, ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC (moderator) is an Associate Professor in the Art Therapy Department at GWU and
also holds an appointment as an Adjunct Associate Professor of neurology, Indiana University School of Medicine.


Virtual Event Washington DC 20052

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