Clinic Events


The GW Art Therapy Clinic develops and delivers workshops at no cost to support community welfare and personal self-care.  These opportunities cover a wide range of topics, which have included building connections, self-awareness, and developing healthy strategies for self-care.  Workshops are typically 90 minutes in duration to allow the space to engage with others, create, and reflect.  We are always open to community feedback, and would love to hear from you if you are interested on a workshop that would support the needs you or your DMV community group have identified by emailing: [email protected]



Groups provide a small private forum to:

  • discuss areas of mental health impacting participants and
  • practice skills for coping with personal needs. 

The goal of each group is shared with the DC metro community, and participants are invited to attend the set of sessions that have been planned with the same group members to support growth through shared experiences.


Upcoming Workshops:


DC Autism Parents Art Therapy Support Workshop Events February through April
This workshop is for caregivers to engage in self-care and artistic expression while fostering connection and community. 
Email [email protected] with any questions.


Flyer for community workshop at the GW Textile Museum

No registration needed.  Join us at the GW Textile Museum from 2-3pm each month for artmaking within the community.


Additional workshops are currently planned events for specific community partners. 

Check back for more public workshops that are coming soon...



Groups Available


We continue to offer our free weekly virtual Open Studio group on Mondays from 11:30am-12:30pm that is accessible to adults residing in the DC metro area.  Bring whatever materials you have available in your space to create.  Please note that groups are not offered on Federal Holidays.  No registration required.

Use the link to join:

The Clinic will be closed from December 18th through January 5th.  Open Studio will resume January 6th. ​











Based on community request, we will also be offering closed session groups to offer supportive spaces for:


Flyer for 6 week GW BIPOC Altered Book Group



Flyer for 7 week GW LGBTQIA+ Art Therapy Group starting in January


Art Therapy Grief Group Flyer for March

Groups offered on specific topics are not drop-in and require registration to attend the series to ensure a safe group size and confidential space.

Email [email protected] to register.


We hope these events provide safe spaces to connect and feel supported in the coming months.  





Past Events


Self-Love Virtual Art Therapy Workshop on February 11th


Flyer for Art Therapy Workshop on Holding Space for the Holidays


Flyer for GW student workshop


Flyer for GW student workshop


Flyer for community workshop at the GW Textile Museum